
My name is Whitman Schorn

I was born in Austin in 1991.

I graduated Oberlin College in 2013, majoring in Computer Science and Creative Writing. I then moved to New York City for the next 8 years. I currently divide my time between Austin and Brooklyn.

I enjoy writing, technology, and the intersection of the two.

If you want to know me, this site is great place to start. You can check out some of my favorite BooksBooksHere are some of my favorite books: The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray, what I'm watching on YoutubeYoutubeI probably watch too much youtube, but one niche I especially enjoy is essays on video games. Here are some of my favorite channels: Noah Caldwell-Gervais Jeremy Parish | Video Works U Can Beat Video Games NeverKnowsBest J. Kenji López-Alt Grim Beard GiantGrantGames Civvie 11 AI and Games Zack Freedman Whitelight Goobertown Hobbies This Old Tony Summoning Salt Raycevick, see my recipes in CookingCookingI enjoy cooking. Some of my favorite things to make include dishes with fish, bread, and anything Italian. For most meals, I will collect a handful of recipes online, consult the better cooks in my life, and improvise based on what I have in hand. I have a handful of recipes that are these rough sketches, and a few more precise instruction sets, since I find baking to be less... forgiving. Some of my recipes: Whitman's Tiramisu Whitman's Focaccia The Meal Whitman's Banana Bread, or just generally peruse.